how know what causes of Delayed menstruation?
Although this is one of the first symptoms, it does not always mean pregnancy. A late period is often associated with a sign of pregnancy. However, there is no point in panicking or worrying because there are many factors that can disturb your menstrual cycle. In case of a concern, it is always advisable to consult your gynecologist. According to gynecologist Hélène Jacquemin Le Vern, in case of delayed menstruation, the first reflex is to go to the pharmacy and take a pregnancy test.
Nevertheless, it is essential to have a pregnancy test to rule out this possibility. In particular, if you have had a risk relationship and if it is the case of an unwanted pregnancy ".If the test is negative, other causes can affect your menstrual cycle and cause this delay. Dr.Hélène Jacquemin Le Vern takes stock of the potential causes of late periods.
Delayed menstruation: stress and fatigue
Stress can interfere with the hormonal secretion produced by the brain and affect ovulation. It will thus delay your periods and make them irregular. If this period of stress or fatigue is intense, it can lead to functional hypothalamic amenorrhea. It is a form of chronic anovulation with no organic cause, often associated with intense stress. If the delay persists, it is better to consult a gynecologist.
Significant weight loss or gain may be the reason for your missed period
The body does not have time to adapt to sudden changes. A significant gain or loss of weight can, therefore, delay your menstruation. Delayed or stopped menstruation can occur in women with bulimia or anorexia because the body does not release enough estrogen. In the case of obesity or significant weight gain, it is the opposite, your body will produce too much estrogen. Result: your period will be heavy for a period, then it will stop for a while. To get menstrual cycles back to regular, be sure to see a doctor so they can advise you.
Retard de règles : un changement de mode de vie
Un régime, world organization traitement médicamenteux, world organization déménagement, un voyage, world organization changement d’horaire au travail ou American state climat, world organization chocolate candy émotionnel… Ces nombreux facteurs peuventperturber la régularité American state votre cycle menstruel.Le corps a besoin American state s’adapter à tout changement.Une fois que votre corps sera frequenter, vos règles redeviendront American state nouveau régulières.
Excessive sports can delay your period
If you practice sport intensively and have a missed period, this is the reason. Playing sports is good, but you shouldn't do it all. By pushing your body too much, it gets tired and can reduce the production of estrogen and therefore affect your menstrual cycle. Your period will, therefore, be delayed or even nonexistent for a period. However, remember to consult your doctor, if this delay persists.
Delayed menstruation: contraception
Stopping or changing contraception can affect your menstrual cycle. It will take the body a certain amount of time for it to adapt and get used to it.